During the recent visit to the Bimini Islands, Global Underwater Explorer (GUE) divers visited a number of sites to get a feel and scope of the effects that are taking place as a direct effect of the vast dredging that is taking place as a cruise ship port is being prepared for.

In the last post here on the Project Baseline Gulfstream latest news, we showed the Project Baseline marker that was being installed at the Bimini Road. In this post the divers visit the Three Sisters Rock which is located even closer to the place the dredging takes place.

Bimini waters usually offers some of the most serene, beautiful blue and clear waters, but the images below tell a completely different story.

Coordinates are N 25º45.697’ W 79º16.911’ and depth is about 6 feet deep. The cave is at the eastern side of the eastern rock. Images and update courtesy of Blake Carmichael. Dive took place June 10th 2014.

Three Sisters Rock Bimini Islands Silty Waters
Three Sisters Rock Bimini Islands Silty Waters
Dredging On The Western Bimini Shores
Dredging by Bimini Islands
What Used To Be Blue Clear Waters
Natural Coral Formation In Danger Of Being Killed By Dredging Effects
Sand Sediments All Over At Bimini Islands
Bad Effects from Dredging Works At Bimini Islands