From NPR website
Miami, like many cities around the country, is facing a crisis over sewage. Because of the high cost, Miami-Dade County has put off long-needed upgrades to its wastewater system. Now in one neighborhood, businesses can’t expand and developers can’t build because of a lack of sewage treatment capacity. The federal government has stepped in and is forcing Miami-Dade to spend more than $4 billion to upgrade its sewer system. But even that may not be enough.
Environmental groups say the county needs to spend more on a robust system that takes into account sea-level rise expected because of global warming.
Read more or listen to the story on NPR.
As you may know, Project Baseline Gulfstream is closely monitoring the Hollywood Sewage Outfall, through which treated sewage water is being pumped directly into the ocean to the extent of 47.5 million gallons a day. You can read more on that following our project Hollywood Sewage Outfall.

Photo Credits – All Rights Reserved – Mikkel Pitzner